Jag har läst vidare om Platte och det verkar som om de har näringsförbud i England och är därför förbjudna att verka där.
Ett par länkar i ämnet:
Så här tar du bort möget manuellt (dessvärre på engelska):
DONT NOW IF THIS IS ALLOWED, if not Visit the "Easy PC Company UK"
Just follow these instructions:
For Myself - How to remove Platte Media and all variants:
If people have found this page, please be advised you should pay for all your own debts, and if you have signed up to platte media and owe them money then its your responsibility to pay them. These instructions help to remove any traces of platte “if the platte removal tool†doesn’t do the correct job and leaves files and processes still running on your PC which (as a uninstall tool) should not leave.
1 First of all open My Computer > C: > Windows > System32
2 Scroll down to PM_proc1…. (in alphabetical order).
3 Open ‘Task Manager’ by press Alt,Ctrl,Del in order at same time.
4 Click on the Processes tab at the top of the window
5 Find and ‘End process Tree’ the following two files PM_PROC1 & PM_PROC2 so they dissapear from task manager (some times you need to do this in safe mode)
6 Close task manager
7 Click Start, Run, and type regsvr32 -u pm_dll.dll
8 In the windows thats browsing c:windowssystem32 delete the files known as PM_PROC1 & PM_PROC2 along with any other file called PM_######
9 click Start, Run, and type in Regedit
10 Press F3 and type PM_PROC and click the find next button. When it finds a result delete it
11 repeat step 10 again until you find 0/zero results.
12 Close all screens, and delete the icon off the desktop.
13 Reboot.
14 Ring them up and tell them to go swing and give them the url of this blog to say this is where i got it from
15 relax and enjoy and gloat about how your system is ‘Platte Free’
Best of Luck, on Ridding the evil Platte scam Virus